History and Philosophy

Who are we?
I’m Beate Butsch and I have been traveling to Sicily for more than 30 years. Our German-Italian family enjoys spending time in both Germany and Italy. In 1974 the original house was built by my parents-in-law Cettina Domiano-Reiter and Bernhard Reiter. From the very beginning it was clear something very special was being created in this land so rich in culture and history. In 2014, my husband Julius Reiter and I began the redevelopment of VILLA SICULA into a place of holistic well-being in accordance with the Latin inscription, above the Villa’s entrance, which greets our guests upon their arrival:
“Leisure nourishes the body, mind and spirit.”
The facade of the chapel, near the pool, is built in the style of a Sicilian church. An inscription on its entryway steps describes the history and philosophy of our VILLA SICULA: a vacation residence and hospitable gathering point for families and friends where the beauty of Sicily and life can be enjoyed. The Villa and its grounds reflect the nature, art and culture of Sicily with the desire to give our guests the seeds of inspiration to go out and explore this beautifully diverse island and culture. In the suites and throughout the grounds guests will find various inscriptions, works of art, and statues representing mythological and historical figures. Come let yourself be inspired!
“Questo irresistibile e melodioso richiamo di una mitica isola mediterranea, incontro fecondo di itineranti popoli di antichissime arti e culture, ha fatto sì che noi costruissimo qui nell’anno 1974 la nostra VILLA SICULA: La realizzazione di questo nostro sogno, pietra milliare e perenne aspirazione alla comprensione, alla pace, all’amore tra i popoli è stato quanto mai efficiente. Dalla modesta VILLA SICULA è sorto un moderno e ospitale ‘borgo’ aperto alla positività di ulteriori sviluppi dei valori umani.” (Dr. Cettina Domiano-Reiter e Dr. Bernhard Reiter)
“There is irresistible and melodic lure to this mythical island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea which for more than a millennia has been the crossroads and meeting place for ancient cultures that each in their own way shaped the artistic and cultural beauty that is present day Sicily. Enchanted by the mild climate, seductive scents, and overwhelming beauty of the picturesque landscape and its people we decided to build the VILLA SICULA at its present location. In 1974 the cornerstone was laid for the vision: a meeting place, a place of understanding, peace and love between the peoples and nations of the world. From its modest beginning the VILLA SICULA has become a modern and hospitable place to gather in an atmosphere that embraces positive relationships and the development and advancement of humanity.” (Dr. Cettina Domiano-Reiter und Dr. Bernhard Reiter)